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The Online archive of Slovak Philharmonic was designed and programmed by Streamboyz Team. Concerts are located on the Multiplace servers. Use and distribution of photographs and audiovisual content of this site only with the consent of the Slovak Philharmonic. This site uses cookies. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Find out more. The Slovak Philharmonic is a state-subsidised organisation of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic.
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Slovak Philharmonic
Bratislava Music Festival
Johann Nepomuk Hummel International Piano Competition
Ministry of Culture of Slovak Republic Kontakt na tím Streamboyz+
Slovenská filharmónia
Bratislavské hudobné slávnosti
Klavírna súťaž Johanna Nepomuka Hummela
Ministerstvo kultúry Slovenskej republiky
1 H 39 MIN 1 H 39 MIN
Slovak Composers Chamber Concert for Piano
Nedeľa 1. 10. 2023, 16.00 hSunday, October 01, 2023, 4.00 PMCyklus BHS – Bratislavské hudobné slávnosti
Malá sála Slovenskej filharmónieBHS serie – Bratislava Music Festival
Small Hall of Slovak Philharmonic
The festival tradition to present chamber works for individual musical instruments continues with the concert featuring the works by Slovak composers, the piano being the instrument we are focused on this year. Jordana Palovičová and Jakub Čižmarovič are the recital soloists, distinctive personalities and artistically and pedagogically related performers, paying tribute to the exponents of the Slovak modernism: Eugen Suchoň, Ján Cikker and Dezider Kardoš. They will also remind us of the musical heritage of the following generation with the works by Dušan Martinček, Ľuboš Bernáth and Peter Machajdík. Dark Side of Contemplation by Evgeny Irshai was written specially for the festival stage and will sound in its premiere.