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Dear friends, we offer you this footage until the end of the season in high definition (Full HD), you can best enjoy it in full screen by clicking on the icon in the bottom right corner in the video player, or by double-clicking in the middle of the video.

Koncert k Roku slovenského divadla

Concert Dedicated to The Year of Slovak Theatre 2020

  • Božidara Turzonovová
    Božidara Turzonovová
  • Cyril Šikula © Jan Lukas, 2018
    Cyril Šikula © Jan Lukas, 2018
  • Jozef Luptáčik © Jan Lukas, 2018
    Jozef Luptáčik © Jan Lukas, 2018
  • Radoslav Prager © Alexander Triuljak, 2021
    Radoslav Prager © Alexander Triuljak, 2021
  • Rastislav Suchan © Jan Lukas, 2018
    Rastislav Suchan © Jan Lukas, 2018
  • Leila Akhmetova © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Leila Akhmetova © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Kristína Luptáčiková © Jan Lukas, 2018
    Kristína Luptáčiková © Jan Lukas, 2018
  • Ladislav Fančovič © Linda Kisková Bohušová
    Ladislav Fančovič © Linda Kisková Bohušová
  • Ken-Wassim Ubukata © Jan Lukas, 2018
    Ken-Wassim Ubukata © Jan Lukas, 2018
  • Villa-Lobos © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Villa-Lobos © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Villa-Lobos © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Villa-Lobos © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Villa-Lobos © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Villa-Lobos © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Villa-Lobos © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Villa-Lobos © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Ernst Roters Trio © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Ernst Roters Trio © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Ernst Roters Trio © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Ernst Roters Trio © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021

Foto © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021

Foto © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021

Concert Dedicated to The Year of Slovak Theatre 2020

Utorok 23. 3. 2021, 19.00 hTuesday, March 23, 2021, 7.00 PM
Cyklus HS – Hudba a slovo
Koncertná sieň Slovenskej filharmónie
HS serie – Music and Words
Concert Hall of Slovak Philharmonic

Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887–1959)
  Assobio a játo (Jet-Whistle) pre flautu a violončelo Assobio a játo (Jet-Whistle) for flute and cello
  Allegro non troppo Allegro non troppo
Ernst Roters (1892–1961)
  Trio pre husle, violončelo a saxofón, W. 26b Trio for violin, cello, and saxophone, W. 26b
  Allegreto marzialeAllegreto marziale
  Vivace – Tranquillo – VivaceVivace – Tranquillo – Vivace
Bohuslav Martinů (1890–1959)
  Kuchynská revue, H. 161, pre rozprávača a komorný súbor (do slovenčiny prebásnil Daniel Hevier) The Kitchen Revue, H. 161, for narrator and chamber ensemble
  Tanec habarky okolo hrncaDanse du moulinet autour du chaudron
  Tanec hrnca s pokrievkouDanse du chaudron et du couvercle
  Tango (Ľúbostný tanec)Tango (Danse dʼamour)
  Charleston (Súboj)Charleston (Le duel)
  Medzihra (Nárek hrnca)Entrʼacte (Lamentation du chaudron)
  Smútočný pochodMarche funèbre
  Finále (Radostný tanec)Final (Danse enlevée)
  Allegretto (Koniec drámy)Allegretto (Fin du drame)

Heitor Villa-Lobos, one of the most important Brazilian composers, drew inspiration for his works both from the rich tradition of folk music of his native country and from current trends in European musical art, which he also learned about during his years of residence in Europe, especially in Paris. He wrote the piece Assobio and Ito (The Jet Whistle) for flute and cello in New York in 1950. Its title refers to the last movement, in which the sound of the flute, thanks to the use of a extended playing technique, is reminiscent of an aeroplane taking off. Ernst Roters was a German composer who made a name for himself mainly as a composer of film music. He collaborated with leading directors of the former GDR such as Wolfgang Staudte, Erich Engel and others. However, he also composed chamber music, piano pieces, symphonies, operas, and much incidental and radio music. His Trio for violin, cello and saxophone, W. 26b from 1926 will be given its Slovak premiere. In his work, Bohuslav Martinů was able to express serious existential themes convincingly, but at the same time to use jazz elements and various experiments in a more light-hearted type of music in an authentic way. The jazz ballet Kuchynská revue (1927) was premiered by the author of the theme, Jarmila Kröschlová, with her dance company in the year of its creation. The concert performance of the suite from the ballet in Paris in 1930 was highly acclaimed abroad. The composer himself considered Kuchynská revue to be one of his best works. At the concert at the Slovak Philharmonic the work will be performed in a translation into Slovak by Daniel Hevier, performed by the brilliant actress Božidara Turzonova. Most of the performers are Slovak Philharmonic players: flutist Cyril Šikula, clarinettist Jozef Luptáčik, trumpeter Rastislav Suchan, violinist Leila Akhmetova, cellist Kristína Luptáčiková and cellist Ken-Wassim Ubukata, who will also play the role of conductor. Co-performers are Radoslav Prager, bassoonist of the Slovak National Theatre Opera Orchestra, and Ladislav Fančovič, who will perform not only as a pianist but also as a saxophonist.

AndrejAndrej OsvaldOsvald svetlálights, zvuksound, PeterPeter GondaGonda technická spolupráca ITIT supervisor, StanoStano BeňačkaBeňačka kamerycamera, striheditor, MarekMarek PiačekPiaček réžiavideo producer, postprodukciapost-production, streamstream
Vyrobila Slovenská filharmónia © 2021A Slovak Philharmonic Production © 2021

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Koncert k Roku slovenského divadla

Concert Dedicated to The Year of Slovak Theatre 2020

  • Božidara Turzonovová
    Božidara Turzonovová
  • Cyril Šikula © Jan Lukas, 2018
    Cyril Šikula © Jan Lukas, 2018
  • Jozef Luptáčik © Jan Lukas, 2018
    Jozef Luptáčik © Jan Lukas, 2018
  • Radoslav Prager © Alexander Triuljak, 2021
    Radoslav Prager © Alexander Triuljak, 2021
  • Rastislav Suchan © Jan Lukas, 2018
    Rastislav Suchan © Jan Lukas, 2018
  • Leila Akhmetova © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Leila Akhmetova © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Kristína Luptáčiková © Jan Lukas, 2018
    Kristína Luptáčiková © Jan Lukas, 2018
  • Ladislav Fančovič © Linda Kisková Bohušová
    Ladislav Fančovič © Linda Kisková Bohušová
  • Ken-Wassim Ubukata © Jan Lukas, 2018
    Ken-Wassim Ubukata © Jan Lukas, 2018
  • Villa-Lobos © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Villa-Lobos © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Villa-Lobos © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Villa-Lobos © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Villa-Lobos © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Villa-Lobos © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Villa-Lobos © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Villa-Lobos © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Ernst Roters Trio © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Ernst Roters Trio © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Ernst Roters Trio © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Ernst Roters Trio © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
  • Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021
    Martinů La revue de cuisine © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021

Foto © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021

Foto © Alexander Trizuljak, 2021