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The Online archive of Slovak Philharmonic was designed and programmed by Streamboyz Team. Concerts are located on the Multiplace servers. Use and distribution of photographs and audiovisual content of this site only with the consent of the Slovak Philharmonic. This site uses cookies. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Find out more. The Slovak Philharmonic is a state-subsidised organisation of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic.
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Slovak Philharmonic
Bratislava Music Festival
Johann Nepomuk Hummel International Piano Competition
Ministry of Culture of Slovak Republic Kontakt na tím Streamboyz+
Slovenská filharmónia
Bratislavské hudobné slávnosti
Klavírna súťaž Johanna Nepomuka Hummela
Ministerstvo kultúry Slovenskej republiky
1 H 31 MIN 1 H 31 MIN
Sentirete una canzonetta
Utorok 24. 1. 2023, 19.00 hTuesday, January 24, 2023, 7.00 PMCyklus SH – Stará hudba
Malá sála Slovenskej filharmónieSH serie – Early Music
Small Hall of Slovak Philharmonic
The ingenuity of instrument makers of times past brought the theorbo to the musical world at the end of the 16th century – the lute, which, thanks to its extended neck, also has bass strings. The wide tonal range and the associated playing flexibility of the instrument ensured the theorbo’s popularity, which was understandably reflected in a number of compositions. Composers at the end of the 16th century used it mainly as an accompanying instrument in the presentation of new music, which was also known as stile moderno and seconda prattica. The works that will be performed at the concert will present the theorbo as a solo instrument and also as an excellent companion, a second for another soloist, in this case a singer. Early Baroque songs with an exposed expression of deeply felt text will transport us to Italy at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries.
“She delivers the stories of the songs in an unadorned and straightforward manner, without any calculation or singing mannerisms,” this is how reviewers assess the singing style of Hana Blažíková on her new album. The music of earlier times had a kind of romantic charm on him, and so he gradually turned from a hobby guitarist Jan Krejča into an expert on Renaissance and Baroque lute and guitar.