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movie [ 0 H 57 MIN ] [ 0 H 57 MIN ] sd

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Chamber Concert – A Letter to the Immortal Beloved

Nedeľa 26. 9. 2021, 19.30 hSunday, September 26, 2021, 7.30 PM
Cyklus BHS – Bratislavské hudobné slávnosti
Malá sála Slovenskej filharmónie
BHS serie – Bratislava Music Festival
Small Hall of Slovak Philharmonic

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827)
  Adelaide, op. 46 Adelaide, Op. 46
  Šesť spevov, op. 75 Lieder (6), Op. 75
  Mignon Mignon
  Neue Liebe, neues Leben / Nová láska, nový životNeue Liebe, neues Leben
  Aus Goethes Faust / Z Goetheho FaustaAus Goethes Faust
  Gretels Warnung / Varovanie MargarétyGretels Warnung
  An den fernen Geliebten / Nesmrteľnému milencoviAn den fernen Geliebten
  Der Zufriedene / SpokojnýDer Zufriedene
  An die Hoffnung / K nádeji, op. 94 An die Hoffnung, Op. 94
  Štyri arietty a dueto, op. 82 Quatre ariettes italiennes, Op. 82
  Dimmi, ben mio, che m’ami / Povedz mi, poklad môj, že ma ľúbišDimmi, ben mio, che m’ami
  T’intendo, sì, mio cor / Ver, srdce, že ťa počujemT’intendo, sì, mio cor
  Che fa, che fa il mio bene? Arietta buffa / Netrpezlivý milý Che fa, che fa il mio bene? Arietta buffa
  Che fa, che fa il mio bene? Arietta assai seriosa / Netrpezlivý milýChe fa, che fa il mio bene? Arietta assai seriosa
  Odi l’aura che dolce sospira / Nenačúvaj vánku, čo ľúbezne ševelíOdi l’aura che dolce sospira

One day after Beethoven died a letter to an immortal beloved was discovered in the secret drawer of his writing desk. To this day no one has found out to whom the composer wrote this winsome declaration of love, which has become the object of interest of writers of thousands of articles, studies and books. Among at least ten potential addressees the most remarkable are the sisters Therese and Josephine Brunswick and their cousin Giulietta Guicciardi, who were Beethoven’s pupils of piano playing in the manor in Dolná Krupá close to the town of Trnava.

Martin Huba, a member of the Drama Company of the Slovak National Theatre, will read from perhaps the most famous letter in the world cultural history. His reading will alternate with Beethoven’s marvelous songs about love, rarely heard in Slovakia, delivered by the Slovak singing stars Jana Kurucová and Juraj Hollý, known mostly from prestigious German opera stages.

Andrej Osvald Andrej Osvald svetlálights, zvuksound, Peter Gonda Peter Gonda technická spolupráca ITIT supervisor, Stano Beňačka Stano Beňačka réžiavideo producer, kamerycamera, striheditor, Marek Piaček Marek Piaček postprodukciapost-production
Vyrobila Slovenská filharmónia © 2021A Slovak Philharmonic Production © 2021