Online archív Slovenskej filharmónie bol navrhnutý a naprogramovaný tímom Streamboyz. Videá sú umiestnené na serveroch občianskeho združenia Multiplace. Použitie, šírenie fotografií a audiovizuálneho obsahu tejto stránky len so súhlasom Slovenskej filharmónie. Tento web používa súbory cookies. Prehliadaním webu vyjadrujete súhlas s ich používaním. Viac informácií. Slovenská filharmónia je štátna príspevková organizácia Ministerstva kultúry Slovenskej republiky.
The Online archive of Slovak Philharmonic was designed and programmed by Streamboyz Team. Concerts are located on the Multiplace servers. Use and distribution of photographs and audiovisual content of this site only with the consent of the Slovak Philharmonic. This site uses cookies. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Find out more. The Slovak Philharmonic is a state-subsidised organisation of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic.
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Slovak Philharmonic
Bratislava Music Festival
Johann Nepomuk Hummel International Piano Competition
Ministry of Culture of Slovak Republic Kontakt na tím Streamboyz+
Slovenská filharmónia
Bratislavské hudobné slávnosti
Klavírna súťaž Johanna Nepomuka Hummela
Ministerstvo kultúry Slovenskej republiky
[ 0 H 43 MIN ] [ 0 H 43 MIN ]
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- English
- Slovenčina
[ 0 H 48 MIN ] [ 0 H 48 MIN ]
- None / Žiadne
- English
- Slovenčina
Stage for the Young
Streda 9. 10. 2019, 17.00 hWednesday, October 09, 2019, 5.00 PMCyklus BHS – Bratislavské hudobné slávnosti
Malá sála Slovenskej filharmónieBHS serie – Bratislava Music Festival
Small Hall of Slovak Philharmonic
The ambition of the BMF programme is to draw attention to the generation of young musicians at the dawn of their professional career in the international context.
The Hungarian cellist Gergely Devich is attending a special class for gifted students at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest. In 2014 he came 3rd at the prestigious competition of young performers Eurovision in Cologne. The Slovak trumpetist Stanislav Masaryk became a special pupil of the Bratislava Conservatory as early as a 13-year-old boy. In 2017 he was the total winner of the International Interpretative Competition for Wind Instruments in Brno. The Czech pianist Matyáš Novák has won many national and international competitions. As a soloist he regularly collaborates with professional orchestras and in 2017 he received the opportunity to perform also in Carnegie Hall in New York.