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Milí návštevníci Slovenskej filharmónie,

prihovárame sa vám opäť po roku, pred blížiacimi sa vianočnými sviatkami. Naším koncertom vám chceme skrášliť a spríjemniť tento neopakovateľný čas. Čas, ktorý sa nedá zastaviť, ale hudba nám umožní prežiť ho plnšie a radostnejšie. Treba sa len v tichu započúvať do nádher- ných melódií... Všetkým vám prajeme príjemnú atmosféru a pokojné, šťastné a veselé Vianoce...

Dear visitors of the Slovak Philharmonic,

we are addressing you again after a year, before the approaching Christmas holidays. With our concert we want to make this unforgettable time more beautiful and pleasant for you. A time that cannot be stopped, but music will allow us to live it more fully and joyfully. All you have to do is listen to the beautiful melodies in silence... We wish you all a pleasant atmosphere and a peaceful, happy and merry Christmas...

Christmas Concert

Utorok 19. 12. 2023, 19.00 hTuesday, December 19, 2023, 7.00 PM
Cyklus M – Mimoriadne koncerty
Koncertná sieň Slovenskej filharmónie
M serie – Special Concerts
Concert Hall of Slovak Philharmonic

Benjamin Britten (1913–1976)
  Ceremony of Carols, op. 48, pre harfu a miešaný zbor Ceremony of Carols, Op. 48
  Procession ,Hodie Christus natus est‘Procession ‘Hodie Christus natus est’
  Wolcum Yole!Wolcum Yole!
Giuseppe Sammartini (1695–1750)
  Koncert pre zobcovú flautu a sláčikový orchester F dur Recorder Concerto in F major
  Allegro assaiAllegro assai
Joseph Haydn (1732–1809)
  Koncert pre organ a orchester C dur, Hob. XVIII:8 Organ Concerto in C major, Hob. XVIII:8
Francesco Durante (1684–1755)
  Magnificat B dur pre sóla, miešaný zbor, sláčikový orchester a organ Magnificat a 4 in B flat major
  Magnificat, anima mea DominumMagnificat, anima mea Dominum
  Et misericordia. Fecit potentiamEt misericordia. Fecit potentiam
  Deposuit potentesDeposuit potentes
  Suscepit IsraelSuscepit Israel
  Sicut locutus est. Gloria PatriSicut locutus est. Gloria Patri
  Sicut erat in principioSicut erat in principio
Leroy Anderson (1908–1975)
  Vianočný festival A Christmas Festival
Jan Vičar (1949)
  Radujme sa!, päť kolied pre chlapčenský zbor a orchester Radujme sa! 5 Carols
Franz Schubert (1797–1828)[arr. Alois Melichar (1896–1976)] [arr. Ľuboš Bernáth (1977)]
  Mille cherubini in coro, D. 498 Mille cherubini in coro, D. 498
Leroy Anderson (1908–1975)
  Belle of the Ball Belle of the Ball
Katherine Kennicott Davis (1892–1980)[arr. Ľuboš Bernáth (1977)]
  The Little Drummer Boy / Malý bubeník The Little Drummer Boy
James Pierpont[arr. Pavol Selecký (1953)]
  Rolničky, pre detský zbor a orchester Jingle Bells, for children’s choir and orchestra
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840–1893)
  Luskáčik, op. 71 – Scéna: Jedľový les v zime The Nutcracker, Op. 71 – A Pine Forest in Winter
Zdeněk Macháček (1928–2017)
  Zmes vianočných kolied Christmas Carols
Franz Gruber (1787–1863)
  Tichá noc Silent Night

The Christmas Holidays represent a kind of fixed point in the cycle of life, to which each subsequent year, full of new uncertainties, surprises and challenges, will surely result again. It is a time when we try to find more time for our loved ones, for rest, for what brings us joy and peace. Not only silence, self-absorption, but also beautiful things that we like and know well, all of which can bring us the desired peace. Therefore, even traditional carols and popular compositions by authors composing across styles have their inseparable place during the Christmas holidays.

The Bratislava Boys’ Choir, led by conductor, founder and manager Magdaléna Rovňáková, performs concerts at home and abroad and also records for television and film. Rastislav Štúr regularly appears on the stage of the Slovak Philharmonic. The highlight of the evening will be the performance of the young flutist Ajna Marosz, who recently charmed even Placido Domingo in the Virtuosos V4+ talent competition.

AndrejAndrej OsvaldOsvald svetlálights, zvuksound, PeterPeter GondaGonda technická spolupráca ITIT supervisor, StanoStano BeňačkaBeňačka kamerycamera, striheditor, MarekMarek PiačekPiaček réžiavideo producer, postprodukciapost-production
Vyrobila Slovenská filharmónia © 2023A Slovak Philharmonic Production © 2023