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Slovak Philharmonic 75th Season Opening Concert

Piatok 20. 10. 2023, 19.00 hFriday, October 20, 2023, 7.00 PM
Cyklus A/B – Symfonicko-vokálny cyklus
Koncertná sieň Slovenskej filharmónie
A/B serie – Symphonic-Vocal Music
Concert Hall of Slovak Philharmonic

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827)
  Symfónia č. 3 Es dur, op. 55 „Eroica“ Symphony No. 3 in E flat Major, Op. 55  “Eroica”
  Allegro con brioAllegro con brio
  Marcia funebre: Adagio assaiMarcia funebre: Adagio assai
  Scherzo. Allegro vivace – TrioScherzo. Allegro vivace – Trio
  Finale. Allegro molto – Poco andante – PrestoFinale. Allegro molto – Poco andante – Presto
Richard Strauss (1864–1949)
  Don Quixote, fantastické variácie na rytiersku tému, op. 35 Don Quixote, Fantastic Variations on a Theme of Knightly Character, Op. 35
  Introdukcia. Mässiges ZeitmassIntroduzione. Mässiges Zeitmass
  Téma. Mässig. Don Quijote, rytier smutnej postavyThema. Mässig. Don Quixote, Knight of the Doleful Countenance
  Maggiore. Sancho PanzaMaggiore. Sancho Panza
  Variácia I. Gemächlich. Odchod nezvyčajnej dvojice a dobrodružstvo s veternými mlynmiVariation I. Gemächlich. The adventure with the windmills
  Variácia II. Kriegerisch. Dobrodružstvo so stádom baranovVariation II. Kriegerisch. The battle with the sheep
  Variácia III. Mässiges Zeitmass. Želania, príslovia a porekadlá Sancha PanzuVariation III. Mässiges Zeitmass. Dialogue between knight and squire
  Variácia IV. Etwas breiter. Dobrodružstvo s procesiouVariation IV. Etwas breiter. The adventure with the pilgrims
  Variácia V. Sehr langsam. Bdenie dona Quijota počas letnej nociVariation V. Sehr langsam. The knight’s vigil
  Variácia VI. Schnell. DulcineaVariation VI. Schnell. The meeting with Dulcinea
  Variácia VII. Ein wenig ruhiger als vorher. Vzdušná jazda dona QuijotaVariation VII. Ein wenig ruhiger als vorher. The ride through the air
  Variácia VIII. Gemächlich. Plavba začarovaným člnomVariation VIII. Gemächlich. The voyage in the enchanted boat
  Variácia IX. Schnell und stürmisch. Útok na žobravých mníchovVariation IX. Schnell und stürmisch. The contest with the supposed enchanters
  Variácia X. Viel breiter. Súboj a návrat domovVariation X. Viel breiter. The duel with the Knight of the White Moon – The defeated Don Quixote’s journey home
  Finale. Sehr ruhig. Smrť dona QuijotaFinale. Sehr ruhig. Death of Don Quixote

Chief Conductor Daniel Raiskin opens the 75th season of concerts of the Slovak Philharmonic with works by two great composers. Eroica, the third symphony by Ludwig van Beethoven is considered a work that bridges the Classical and Romantic eras. In its length, form, harmony and cultural impact, it demolishes previous repetitive practices. The work was written at a time when the progressively less hearing composer was trying to drown out the joyless effects of illness through his compositions. Like Beethoven inspired by Napoleon, Richard Strauss was inspired by a fearless hero. Cervantes’ adventurous knight Don Quixote served as a model for his symphonic poem. The story of Don Quixote is accompanied by solo cello and viola. Strauss’s orchestration of the work has received much attention and comment from fellow composers and music theorists alike.

The solo cello part is played by Bryan Cheng, whose career is rocketing thanks to recent debuts with orchestras such as the Deutsche Symphonie-Orchester Berlin and hr-Sinfonieorchester Frankfurt. For the first time, the young artist will also perform at the Reduta.

AndrejAndrej OsvaldOsvald svetlálights, zvuksound, PeterPeter GondaGonda technická spolupráca ITIT supervisor, RenátaRenáta BeličováBeličová réžiavideo producer, MarekMarek PiačekPiaček kamerycamera, striheditor, postprodukciapost-production
Vyrobila Slovenská filharmónia © 2023A Slovak Philharmonic Production © 2023
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