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movie 1 H 23 MIN 1 H 23 MINhd

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Johann Sebastian Bach

Nedeľa 14. 5. 2023, 16.00 hSunday, May 14, 2023, 4.00 PM
Cyklus SKO – Slovenský komorný orchester
Koncertná sieň Slovenskej filharmónie
SKO serie – Slovak Chamber Orchestra Concerts
Concert Hall of Slovak Philharmonic

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)
  Orchestrálna suita č. 1 C dur, BWV 1066 Orchestral Suite No. 1 in C major, BWV 1066
  Gavotte I, IIGavotte I, II
  Menuett I, IIMenuett I, II
  Bourrée I, IIBourrée I, II
  Passepied I, IIPassepied I, II
  Orchestrálna suita č. 3 D Dur, BWV 1068 Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D major, BWV1068
  Gavotte I, IIGavotte I, II
  Orchestrálna suita č. 2 h mol, BWV 1067 Orchestral Suite No. 2 in B minor, BWV 1067
  Bourrée I, IIBourrée I, II
  Polonaise & DoublePolonaise & Double
  Orchestrálna suita č. 4 D dur, BWV 1069 Orchestral Suite No. 4 in D major, BWV 1069
  Bourrée I, IIBourrée I, II
  Menuett I, IIMenuett I, II

The name of Johann Sebastian Bach is somehow automatically associated with the vision of something above average, breathtaking, timeless, genius. He presented his sense of timelessness and visionary-ness in several titles and in six Brandenburg concerts. In these works, Bach began to work intensively with the sound of the orchestra, and in the fifth of them he even freed the harpsichord in a colossal cadence, otherwise a slavish bearer of the basso continuo principle.

Alongside the Slovak Chamber Orchestra, Budapest-born flautist Katalin Stefula, who is also actively involved in musical events in Slovakia as a judge of the Flautiáda competition, will perform.

AndrejAndrej OsvaldOsvald svetlálights, zvuksound, PeterPeter GondaGonda technická spolupráca ITIT supervisor, StanoStano BeňačkaBeňačka kamerycamera, striheditor, MarekMarek PiačekPiaček réžiavideo producer, postprodukciapost-production
Vyrobila Slovenská filharmónia © 2023A Slovak Philharmonic Production © 2023