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movie [ 1 H 03 MIN ] [ 1 H 03 MIN ] sd

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Edward Elgar – The Dream of Gerontius

Piatok 6. 12. 2019, 19.00 hFriday, December 06, 2019, 7.00 PM
Cyklus D/E – Hudba troch storočí
Koncertná sieň Slovenskej filharmónie
D/E serie – Three Centuries of Music
Concert Hall of Slovak Philharmonic

Edward Elgar (1857–1934)
  Gerontiov sen, oratórium pre sóla, zbor a orchester, op. 38 The Dream of Gerontius, Op. 38
  Prelude (Prelúdium)Prelude
  Jesu, Maria, I am near to death (Ježiš, Mária – blízko k smrti mám)Jesu, Maria, I am near to death
  Kyie eleison (Pane, zmiluj sa)Kyie eleison
  Rouse thee, my fainting soul (Pozviechaj sa a vzmuž sa, duša)Rouse thee, my fainting soul
  Be merciful, be gracious (Milosrdný buď, dobrotivý buď)Be merciful, be gracious
  Sanctus fortis, sanctus Deus (Svätý najmocnejší Bože)Sanctus fortis, sanctus Deus
  I can no more; for now it comes again (Už ďalej nevládzem; znova to prichádza)I can no more; for now it comes again
  Rescue him, O Lord (Zachräň ho, Pane)Rescue him, O Lord
  Novissima hora est (Blíži sa koniec)Novissima hora est
  Proficiscere, anima Christiana (Z tohto sveta sa pober, duša kresťanská)Proficiscere, anima Christiana
  Go, in the name of Angels and Archangels (Choď v mene Anjelov a Archanjelov)Go, in the name of Angels and Archangels
Edward Elgar (1857–1934)
  Gerontiov sen, oratórium pre sóla, zbor a orchester, op. 38 The Dream of Gerontius, Op. 38
  Introduction (Prelúdium)Introduction
  Lord, Thou hast been our refuge (Pane, naším útočiskom si bol)Lord, Thou hast been our refuge
  Take me away (Vezmi ma preč)Take me away
  Praise to His name! (Jeho meno buď pochválené)Praise to His name!
  Jesu! By that shuddering dread which fell on Thee (Ježiš! Pre hrôzu rozochvenú, ktorá na Teba padala)Jesu! By that shuddering dread which fell on Thee
  Thy judgment now is near (Súd Tvoj teraz blízko je)Thy judgment now is near
  Praise to the Holiest in the height (Chváľte Najsvätejšieho na výsostiach)Praise to the Holiest in the height
  And now the treshold as we traverse it (A je tu prah, ktorý prekračujeme)And now the treshold as we traverse it
  But hark! A grand mysterious harmony (Ajhľa však! Veľký tajomný súzvuk)But hark! A grand mysterious harmony
  Glory to Him (Sláva Jemu)Glory to Him
  Praise to the Holiest (Chváľte Najsvätejšieho)Praise to the Holiest
  I see not those false spirits (Tých falošných duchov nevidím viac)I see not those false spirits
  The mind bold and independent (Duch odvážny a nezávislý)The mind bold and independent
  Low-born clods of brute earth (Surové hrudy stvrdnutej zeme)Low-born clods of brute earth
  My work is done, my task id o’er (Hotová je práca moja, splnená je povinnosť)My work is done, my task id o’er
  I went to sleep (Spať som šiel)I went to sleep
  Softly and gently, dearly ransomed soul (Mierne a jemne, spasená duša drahá)Softly and gently, dearly ransomed soul

AndrejAndrej OsvaldOsvald svetlálights, zvuksound, PeterPeter GondaGonda technická spolupráca ITIT supervisor, VašoVašo Frkal ml.Frkal jr. kamerycamera, striheditor, MarekMarek PiačekPiaček réžiavideo producer, postprodukciapost-production
Vyrobila Slovenská filharmónia © 2019A Slovak Philharmonic Production © 2019
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