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movie [ 1 H 04 MIN ] [ 1 H 04 MIN ] sd

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movie [ 0 H 38 MIN ] [ 0 H 38 MIN ] sd

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Thursday, March 09, 2017, 5.00 PM
John Axelrod
(Interview with conductor John Axelrod)

Britten / Sibelius / Adams

Piatok 10. 3. 2017, 19.00 hFriday, March 10, 2017, 7.00 PM
Cyklus D/E – Hudba troch storočí
Koncertná sieň Slovenskej filharmónie
D/E serie – Three Centuries of Music
Concert Hall of Slovak Philharmonic

UPOZORNENIE: Druhá časť koncertu nie je k dispozícii online.PLEASE NOTE: Second part of the concert is not available online.
Benjamin Britten (1913–1976)
  Štyri morské interlúdiá z opery Peter Grimes, op. 33a Four Sea Interludes from Peter Grimes for Orchestra, Op. 33a
Jean Sibelius (1865–1957)
  Koncert pre husle a orchester d mol, op. 47 Violin Concerto in D minor, Op. 47
John Adams (1947)
Harmónium Harmonium

Benjamin Britten is one of the outstanding figures in the field of modern musical theatre. On the cusp of a remarkable journey to new heights is the gripping social drama set in a fisherman's environment, Peter Grimes. The Four Sea Interludes are an integral part of the dramaturgy of the entire opera. As a young man, Jean Sibelius aspired to become a violin virtuoso. However, he quickly self-diagnosed himself and threw himself into symphonic writing. To the violin, however, he dedicated the wonderful Violin Concerto, which was written in two phases. The original version is still little known today. The magical figure of contemporary music production in the world is the American John Adams and his intimate and grandiose repetitive system.

VašoVašo Frkal ml.Frkal jr. svetlálights, zvuksound, PeterPeter GondaGonda technická spolupráca ITIT supervisor, StanoStano BeňačkaBeňačka kamerycamera, striheditor, RenátaRenáta BeličováBeličová réžiavideo producer, MarekMarek PiačekPiaček kamerycamera, striheditor, réžiavideo producer, postprodukciapost-production
Vyrobila Slovenská filharmónia © 2017A Slovak Philharmonic Production © 2017