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movie [ 1 H 18 MIN ] [ 1 H 18 MIN ] sd

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Querela pacis

Streda 30. 4. 2014, 19.00 hWednesday, April 30, 2014, 7.00 PM
Cyklus M – Mimoriadne koncerty
Koncertná sieň Slovenskej filharmónie
M serie – Special Concerts
Concert Hall of Slovak Philharmonic

Vladimír Godár (1956)
  Querela pacis, oratórium pre soprán, alt, bas, miešaný zbor a orchester (2009–2010) Querela pacis, oratorio for soprano, alto, bass, mixed choir and orchestra (2009–2010)
  I. Preludio – MantraI. Preludio – Mantra
  II. Recitativo. Miles / VojákII. Recitativo. Miles
  III. Obsidium Urbis / Obležení městaIII. Obsidium Urbis
  IV. A Gran BatagliaIV. A Gran Bataglia
  V. Uru aceer / NárekV. Uru aceer
  VI. A Prayer. Allah / Modlitba. AlahVI. A Prayer. Allah
  VII. Psalmus. Domine exaudi / Žalm. Domine exaudiVII. Psalmus. Domine exaudi
  VIII. LacrimosaVIII. Lacrimosa
  IX. A Sad Pavan For These Distracted Times / Smutná pavana do tejto šialenej dobyIX. A Sad Pavan For These Distracted Times
  X. Postludio – MantraX. Postludio – Mantra
  XI: Cradle Song. What does little birdie say / Uspávanka. Čo to malé vtáča vraví?XI: Cradle Song. What does little birdie say

Rulers have always justified the inevitability of their wars by noble goals. Since the end the World War II not a single day has passed that would not be marked by this sort of noble slaughter taking place somewhere on the Earth. Gradually, rulers stopped listening to philosophers, theologians, artists and scientists in case their ideas and attitudes would cast doubt on this august inevitability. …

…The Dutch humanist Erasmus Roterodamus was probably the first thinker to express an outright rejection of all the justificatory noble goals of monarchs. In his two treatises - Querela pacis and Dulce bellum inexpertis - he defined war as the ultimate evil, the only real reason for which was the greed of the powerful. According to Erasmus, the absurd killing of innocent people could not be justified by any ideology or religion. Victorious soldiers know this only too well, being unable to find any excuse foe their recent murdering.…

Vladimír Godár

VáclavVáclav Frkal st.Frkal sr. zvuksound, svetlálights, StanoStano BeňačkaBeňačka kamerycamera, striheditor, PeterPeter GondaGonda technická spolupráca ITIT supervisor, MarekMarek PiačekPiaček réžiavideo producer, postprodukciapost-production
Vyrobila Slovenská filharmónia © 2014A Slovak Philharmonic Production © 2014