Michael Webster (*1944) (overview)
Michael Webster
American composer (1944)
(pozri aj profil see also: conductors, choirmaster…)Diela v Online archíve
Works in Online Archive
- 26 Feb 2019 | Debussy / Poulenc / Aguila / Saint-Saëns / Peterson | Pingitzer / Eliáš / Uhlík
Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune (Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun) | Claude Debussy (1862–1918) [arr. Michael Webster (1944)]
26 Feb 2019 | Debussy / Poulenc / Aguila / Saint-Saëns / Peterson | Pingitzer / Eliáš / UhlíkKoncerty, rozhovory, podujatia… v Online archíve
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