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movie 1 H 17 MIN 1 H 17 MINsd

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Podprocký / Elgar / Tchaikovsky

Nedeľa 16. 2. 2025, 16.00 hSunday, February 16, 2025, 4.00 PM
Cyklus SKO – Slovenský komorný orchester
Stĺpová sieň Slovenskej filharmónie
SKO serie – Slovak Chamber Orchestra Concerts
Column Hall of Slovak Philharmonic

Jozef Podprocký (1944–2021)
  Suita domestica, podľa zápisov v levočskom Pestrom zborníku zo XVII. storočia, op. 14 č. 7 Suita domestica Op. 14 No. 7 from the 17th-century collection “Pestrý zborník” from Levoča
Edward Elgar (1857–1934)
  Serenáda e mol, op. 20 Serenade for Strings in E Minor, Op. 20
  Allegro piacevoleAllegro piacevole
Edward Elgar (1857–1934)
  Introdukcia a allegro pre sláčikové kvarteto a sláčikový orchester G dur, op. 47 Introduction & Allegro for strings, Op. 47
Piotr Iľjič Čajkovskij (1840–1893)
  Souvenir de Florence, sláčikové sexteto d mol, op. 70 Souvenir de Florence, string sextet in D minor, Op. 70
  Allegro con spiritoAllegro con spirito
  Adagio cantabile e con motoAdagio cantabile e con moto
  Allegretto moderatoAllegretto moderato
  Allegro con brio e vivaceAllegro con brio e vivace
Prídavok: Piotr Iľjič Čajkovskij (1840–1893)
  Snenie, op. 39, č. 21 Sweet Dreams, Op. 39, No. 21

The members of the SKO ensure the systematic introduction of works by Slovak authors. The fresh Suita domestica by Jozef Podprocký certainly stands up to the high criteria of compositional mastery. Sir Edward Elgar wrote Introduction and Allegro for the newly founded London Symphony Orchestra to enable the players to showcase their playing qualities. Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky dedicated his emotive string sextet Souvenir de Florence to the venerable St Petersburg Chamber Music Society in gratitude for their acceptance of him as a member. One of the central themes was sketched by Tchaikovsky in Florence - hence his description of the whole work as a memoir of an inspiring trip to Italy.

Andrej Osvald Andrej Osvald zvukový záznamsound recording, zvuková postprodukciasound post-production, svetlálights, Olesia Stepura Olesia Stepura kamerycamera, striheditor, postprodukciapost-production, Marek Piaček Marek Piaček réžiavideo producer, postprodukciapost-production
Vyrobila Slovenská filharmónia © 2025A Slovak Philharmonic Production © 2025