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V rámci spolupráce Slovenskej filharmónie a Filmovej a televíznej fakulty VŠMU Bratislava za kamerami sedel študent 4. ročníka Ateliéru zvukovej skladby Boris Štofaňák.

As part of the cooperation between the Slovak Philharmonic and the Film and Television Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, Boris Štofaňák, a 4th year student of the Studio of Sound Composition, sat behind the cameras.

Piano Recital VI – Eugenia Sánchez Durán

Utorok 4. 6. 2024, 19.00 hTuesday, June 04, 2024, 7.00 PM
Cyklus K – Klavír a klaviristi
Malá sála Slovenskej filharmónie
K serie – Piano and pianists
Small Hall of Slovak Philharmonic

select DISTINCT cf.fid as fid, cf.f_name as f_name, cfepc.f_ord from c_co_rel ccr LEFT join c_perf_co cpc ON cpc.co_id = ccr.co_id LEFT JOIN c_functions_extra_perf_co cfepc ON cfepc.co_id_r = LEFT JOIN c_functions cf on cf.f_id = cfepc.fid WHERE cpc.c_id = 741 and cpc.p_id = 800 and not isnull(cf.fid) AND (ccr.co_database_only !=1 OR isnull(ccr.co_database_only)) UNION select cf.fid, cf.f_name, cfe.f_ord from c_perf_rel cpr left join c_perf_co cpc ON cpc.p_id = cpr.p_id and cpc.c_id =cpr.c_id left join c_functions_extra cfe ON cfe.p_id = cpr.p_id and cfe.c_id = cpr.c_id LEFT JOIN c_functions cf on cf.fid = cfe.fid WHERE cpr.c_id = 741 and cpr.p_id = 800 and isnull(cpc.p_id) ORDER by f_ord

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827)
  Sonáta Es dur, op. 81a „Les Adieux“ Sonata in E flat major, Op. 81a “Les Adieux”
  Rozlúčenie / Das Lebewohl. Adagio – AllegroDas Lebewohl. Adagio – Allegro
  Neprítomnosť / Abwesenheit. Andante espressivoAbwesenheit. Andante espressivo
  Opätovné stretnutie / Das Wiedersehen. VivicissimamenteDas Wiedersehen. Vivicissimamente
Frédéric Chopin (1810–1849)
  Scherzo č. 4 E dur, op. 54 Scherzo No. 4 in E major, Op. 54
Alexander Scriabin (1872–1915)
  Päť prelúdií, op. 16 Five Preludes, Op. 16
  Andante cantabileAndante cantabile
  Etuda fis dur, op. 42 č. 4 Étude Op. 42 No. 4 in F sharp major
  Etuda G dur, op. 65 č. 3 Étude Op. 65 No. 3 in G major
Enrique Granados (1867–1916)
  Goyescas, op. 11 Goyescas, Op. 11
  IV. La maja y el ruiseñorIV. La maja y el ruiseñor
  I. Los requiebrosI. Los requiebros
Encore: Franz Liszt (1811–1886)
  Transcendentálne etudy, S. 139 – 10. Appassionata Transcendental Études, S. 139 – 10. Appassionata

The piano sonatas of Ludwig van Beethoven are considered the “New Testament” of piano literature. The sonata Les Adieux is one of his most famous works ever, and its interpretation is always a great challenge for the pianist. The collection of virtuoso pieces by Frédéric Chopin labelled Scherzo may surprise you in that it does not meet our idea of scherzo as light music with a symmetrical structure. Chopin here follows Beethoven, but moves the pattern towards a kind of stormy piano fantasia. One of the main sources of inspiration for Alexander Scriabin’s early work was the work of Chopin. Like him, Scriabin also composed a number of miniatures in addition to the larger-scale piano sonatas. The programme will conclude with a selection from the piano suite Goyescas by the Spanish composer Enrique Granados. The composer was inspired by the paintings of Francisco Goya when composing it. The piano part is full of small figures, demanding absolute mastery of delicate dexterity, and at the same time great power in the dramatic moments.

For the first time, the young twenty-year-old Spanish pianist Eugenia Sánchez Durán, who has made her debut at both Carnegie Hall and the Mozarteum Salzburg, will make her debut in Bratislava.

AndrejAndrej OsvaldOsvald svetlálights, zvuksound, PeterPeter GondaGonda technická spolupráca ITIT supervisor, BorisBoris ŠtofaňákŠtofaňák kamerycamera, MarekMarek PiačekPiaček striheditor, réžiavideo producer, postprodukciapost-production
Vyrobila Slovenská filharmónia © 2024A Slovak Philharmonic Production © 2024

Pri kamerách sedel študent 4. ročníka AZS FTF VŠMU v rámci predmetu Videostreaming.