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The Online archive of Slovak Philharmonic was designed and programmed by Streamboyz Team. Concerts are located on the Multiplace servers. Use and distribution of photographs and audiovisual content of this site only with the consent of the Slovak Philharmonic. This site uses cookies. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Find out more. The Slovak Philharmonic is a state-subsidised organisation of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic.
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Slovak Philharmonic
Bratislava Music Festival
Johann Nepomuk Hummel International Piano Competition
Ministry of Culture of Slovak Republic Kontakt na tím Streamboyz+
Slovenská filharmónia
Bratislavské hudobné slávnosti
Klavírna súťaž Johanna Nepomuka Hummela
Ministerstvo kultúry Slovenskej republiky
1 H 15 MIN 1 H 15 MIN
Christmas Concert
Streda 18. 12. 2024, 19.00 hWednesday, December 18, 2024, 7.00 PMCyklus M – Mimoriadne koncerty
Koncertná sieň Slovenskej filharmónieM serie – Special Concerts
Concert Hall of Slovak Philharmonic
The Christmas holidays represent a kind of fixed point in the cycle of life, to which each successive year, full of new uncertainties, surprises and challenges, is certain to culminate once again. It is a time when we try again to find more time for our loved ones, for relaxation, for what brings us joy and peace. Not only silence, self-absorption, but also the nice things we like and know well, all of these can bring us the peace we crave. That's why traditional carols and favourites from composers across styles also have an integral place during the Christmas season.
The Bratislava Boys Choir, under the direction of conductor, founder and manager Magdaléna Rovňáková, performs at home and abroad and also records for television and film. Adriana Kučerová, who recently performed the leading role of the Little Vixen in the Opera of the Slovak National Theatre, will certainly be the jewel of the evening. The series of Christmas concerts will be led by the conductor of the National Theatre Opera in Brno Ondrej Olos.