movie 1 H 35 MIN 1 H 35 MINhd

Páči sa Likes 18

Gershwin / Bernstein / Khachaturian

Štvrtok 23. 1. 2025, 19.00 hThursday, January 23, 2025, 7.00 PM
Cyklus C – Populárny cyklus
Koncertná sieň Slovenskej filharmónie
C serie – Popular Music Concerts
Concert Hall of Slovak Philharmonic

George Gershwin (1898–1937)
  Kubánska predohra Cuban Overture
Leonard Bernstein (1918–1990)
  Symfonické tance z West Side Story Symphonic Dances from the West Side Story
  Meeting SceneMeeting Scene
Aram Khachaturian (1903–1978)
  Spartakus (výber zo suít) Spartacus (extract from suites)
  Triumfálny pochod z 1. dejstvaTriumphal March from Act 1
  Trh (3. suita, č. 1)Market (Suite No. 3, No. 1)
  Tanec gréckeho otroka (3. suita, č. 2)Dance of the Greek Slave (Suite No. 3, No. 2)
  Príchod kupcov – Tanec rímskej kurtizány – Spoločný tanec (2. suita, č. 2)Arrival of the Merchants – Dance of the Roman Courtesan – General Dance (Suite No. 2, No. 2)
  Tanec pirátov (2. suita, č. 4)Dance of the Pirates (Suite No. 2, No. 4)
  Scéna a tanec s krotalónmi (1. suita, č. 4)Scene and Dance with Crotales (Suite No. 1, No. 4)
  Variácia Aeginy a bakchanálie (1. suita, č. 3)Variations of Aegina and Bacchanalia (Suite No. 1, No. 3)
  Adagio Spartaka a Frýgie (2. suita, č. 1)Adagio of Spartacus and Phrygia (Suite No. 2, No. 1)
  Tanec Cádizaniek a Spartakovo víťazstvo (1. suita, č. 5)Dance of the Gaditanian Maidens and Victory of Spartacus (Suite No. 1, No. 5)
Encore: Aram Khachaturian (1903–1978)
  Šabľový tanec z baletu Gajané Sabre Dance from Gajané Ballet

An American, descendant of a Jewish family from Odessa, George Gershwin, began in the 1920s to successfully realize the fusion of jazz, blues and Latin American idioms with the European model of music. One example of this is the exuberant Cuban Overture. Gershwin was swiftly responded to by the grandmaster of the musical Leonard Bernstein. His West Side Story can be considered both a key and iconic work of the genre. In the United States, Aram Khachaturian also won the hearts of audiences in the 1940s with his “hypnotic” Sabre Dance from the ballet Gayane. Although Spartacus does not contain a similar fiery scene, it is saturated with unadulterated emotionality linked to compositional sovereignty.

Andrej Osvald Andrej Osvald svetlálights, zvuksound, Peter Gonda Peter Gonda technická spolupráca ITIT supervisor, Renáta Beličová Renáta Beličová réžiavideo producer, Marek Piaček Marek Piaček kamerycamera, striheditor, postprodukciapost-production
Vyrobila Slovenská filharmónia © 2025A Slovak Philharmonic Production © 2025