Marek Vrábel (*1973) (overview)
Marek Vrábel
organ (1973)
(pozri aj see also performer profile…)Diela v Online archíve
Works in Online Archive
- 12 May 2020 | Concert without audience V | Gabrišová / Vrábel
Also sprach Zarathustra – Introduction | Richard Strauss (1864–1949) [arr. Marek Vrábel (1973)]
14 Apr 2023 | Music Academy III – Organ, the King of Instruments | Vrábel / VanekSuite Antique (for flute and organ) | John Rutter (1945) [arr. Marek Vrábel (1973)]
12 May 2020 | Concert without audience V | Gabrišová / VrábelKoncerty, rozhovory, podujatia… v Online archíve
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