• Domenico Mazzocchi

    (pozri aj profil see also: conductors, choirmaster…)
    Diela v Online archíve
    Works in Online Archive
      Lamento di David
      5 May 2015 | Caro sposo – from the Rome Sacral & Secular Music | Solamente naturali / Vocale ensemble So La / Headley
      Misereris omnium, Domine
      7 Jun 2016 | Musica florea | Musica florea / Štryncl / El Dunia / Král

      Koncerty, rozhovory, podujatia… v Online archíve
      Concerts, interviews, events…
      • 7 Jun 2016 | Musica florea | Musica florea / Štryncl / El Dunia / Král
      • 5 May 2015 | Caro sposo – from the Rome Sacral & Secular Music | Solamente naturali / Vocale ensemble So La / Headley