Cecil Forsyth (1870–1941) (overview)
Cecil Forsyth
English composer (1870–1941)
(pozri aj profil see also: conductors, choirmaster…)Diela v Online archíve
Works in Online Archive
- 28 Feb 2018 | Concert of the students of the Academy of Performing Arts with the Slovak Philharmonic | SP / Štúr / Čonková / Aleskerov / Nágel
Concerto for viola and orchestra in G minor
28 Feb 2018 | Concert of the students of the Academy of Performing Arts with the Slovak Philharmonic | SP / Štúr / Čonková / Aleskerov / NágelKoncerty, rozhovory, podujatia… v Online archíve
Concerts, interviews, events…