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The Online archive of Slovak Philharmonic was designed and programmed by Streamboyz Team. Concerts are located on the Multiplace servers. Use and distribution of photographs and audiovisual content of this site only with the consent of the Slovak Philharmonic. This site uses cookies. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Find out more. The Slovak Philharmonic is a state-subsidised organisation of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic.


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Stacks Image 8711
  • Claudio Monteverdi

    taliansky skladateľ (1567–1643)
    (pozri aj profil see also: dirigenta, zbormajstra, umeleckého vedúceho…)
    Diela v Online archíve
    Works in Online Archive
      Confitebor tibi Domine, SV 265
      11. 2. 2020 | Dolcissimo sospiro | Le nuove musiche / Mitrík / Varga Bach / Bodrogi
      Et resurrexit, SV 260
      11. 2. 2020 | Dolcissimo sospiro | Le nuove musiche / Mitrík / Varga Bach / Bodrogi
      Exulta filia Sion
      7. 6. 2016 | Musica florea | Musica florea / Štryncl / El Dunia / Král
      Chiome d’oro, SV 143
      11. 2. 2020 | Dolcissimo sospiro | Le nuove musiche / Mitrík / Varga Bach / Bodrogi
      Iste confessor, SV 279
      11. 2. 2020 | Dolcissimo sospiro | Le nuove musiche / Mitrík / Varga Bach / Bodrogi
      Jubilet tota civitas, SV 286
      11. 2. 2020 | Dolcissimo sospiro | Le nuove musiche / Mitrík / Varga Bach / Bodrogi
      Lamento d’Arianna, SV 22
      11. 2. 2020 | Dolcissimo sospiro | Le nuove musiche / Mitrík / Varga Bach / Bodrogi
      O come sei gentile, SV 120
      11. 2. 2020 | Dolcissimo sospiro | Le nuove musiche / Mitrík / Varga Bach / Bodrogi
      Ohimè, dov’è il mio, SV 140
      11. 2. 2020 | Dolcissimo sospiro | Le nuove musiche / Mitrík / Varga Bach / Bodrogi
      Si dolce è’l tormento, SV 332
      11. 2. 2020 | Dolcissimo sospiro | Le nuove musiche / Mitrík / Varga Bach / Bodrogi
      Signor, quel infelice
      24. 1. 2023 | Sentirete una canzonetta | Blažíková / Krejča
      Venite sitientes ad aquas, SV 335
      11. 2. 2020 | Dolcissimo sospiro | Le nuove musiche / Mitrík / Varga Bach / Bodrogi

      Koncerty, rozhovory, podujatia… v Online archíve
      Concerts, interviews, events…
      • 24. 1. 2023 | Sentirete una canzonetta | Blažíková / Krejča
      • 11. 2. 2020 | Dolcissimo sospiro | Le nuove musiche / Mitrík / Varga Bach / Bodrogi
      • 7. 6. 2016 | Musica florea | Musica florea / Štryncl / El Dunia / Král